Poetry Shelf Noticeboard: Sweet Mammalian open for submissions

Submissions are OPEN.

We will read all poems sent to us between now (May) and 30 June 2024.

We’ll aim to respond to everyone by the end of August.

Issue 11 will be launched in the Southern hemisphere spring.

What we ask:

Share your poetry – be it a roar, purr, or pip-squeak. 

Broadly, we seek poems in which we feel a warm-blooded liveliness – beating hearts, teeth and claws or rough-tongued tenderness. To get a sense of the range of work we’ve adored before, browse our previous issues online.

We believe that you should pursue the writing that most energises you, rather than tailoring your voice to journals – and we are always pleasantly surprised by new modes of enchantment. Send us the work you’d be most chuffed to see in the world.

Email us up to five poems, preferably in a Word document, to sweetmammalian at gmail.com along with an author bio in your cover note. We also appreciate knowing we’re you’re from, within Aotearoa or abroad.

Sweet Mammalian site

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